Atlanta WordPress Web Design, Copywriting: EKA Sales

“I am awestruck at your expertise in all aspects. The site is engaging ... the text begs to be read. It’s light, inviting, informative and actually fun! Awesome job ... excellent work!”
—Mary Ann Kinlaw, COO EKA / Government Sales Experts

Gwinnett County (Grayson, Metro Atlanta GA)

CMS (Content Management System), Copy Editing, Copy Writing, Web Design, WordPress

EKA Sales

Wholesale, Government

Client Feedback

I am awestruck at your expertise in all aspects. The site is engaging from the visual perspective and the text is accurate and begs to be read. It’s light, inviting, informative and actually fun! I laughed out loud when I read “We take you from Pvt. Planning to Capt. Done.”

Awesome job … I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the excellent work!

BC Thoughts

This Atlanta company needed a new website they could update. Their old site was custom and could only be updated by the developer. Not practical or affordable.

After meeting with the owners to find out what would help them the most, Brand Cultivation designed this highly-customized WordPress website that allows them to maintain all the sections and content with ease. Putting extra time in up front in research and user-focused development leads to sites that are a better fit for the client.

Redesign Update, July 2021: 10 years ago, Brand Cultivation redesigned the EKA Sales from its original, non-user-editable form. EKA was very pleased—so much so, they left that design in place for 10 years! When they were ready to have the site updated and redesigned they chose Brand Cultivation, again. It’s an honor to have such fantastic, repeat Atlanta clients. A great partnership!

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