Corporate Accent Reduction, Accent Training Options

Group Classes vs. Individual Instruction

Today’s Workforce is Diverse—from Around the Globe

Whether you own a small or mid-size business, or manage the HR department for a Fortune 500 company, you know that clear verbal communication is essential in the workplace. Yet today’s workforce is more diverse than ever before, and some of the most qualified individuals’ first language may be something other than US English. If you currently have—or are looking to hire—otherwise ideal employees whose accent could hold them back from full success, there is a proven solution: accent reduction taught by a highly-qualified language specialist.

Don’t let an accent or dialect prevent your employees from succeeding. Their success is your success!

Options for Accent Reduction at Work

Group Accent Reduction Training Class Atlanta

Depending on the size of your company and the number of employees who would benefit from accent reduction classes, there are a number of options. Individual, one-on-one training is the most successful, though small group sessions or introductory ‘classes’ may be an option as well. Some businesses may fully cover the investment in training, while others may partially reimburse these ‘ongoing learning’ opportunities or simply refer employees to the program.

  • Introductory Class
    This is a great way to introduce employees to the concept of accent reduction. We’ll meet with a group of your employees at your business* and present the benefits of accent reduction, explain the process, and even give some basic instruction during the class.
  • Group Classes
    Group sessions may be an alternative to individual classes if your company has a number of employees whose English is a second language. Small groups are ideal and employees do not need to share the same native language! Using results from individual evaluations, each employee’s course is designed to meet their own specific challenges. The small group lessons allow for practice within the office setting and it addresses individual needs,as well as on-the-job issues, such as specific work-related vocabulary, phone skills, etc. Significant progress may be realized toward the goal of improved communication in the office though group accent reduction lessons. At some point, some or all of these individuals may wish to advance to private accent lessons for continued progress.
  • Individual Accent Reduction Training
    The best possible outcomes result from individual, one-on-one accent classes. Individual accent reduction training allows more thorough evaluation and detailed, immediate feedback and guidance. This ‘mentoring’ approach greatly helps each employee to relax and learn at their optimal level. Individual classes can be hosted onsite at your location* to minimize disruption, online or another location.

Financial Consideration

Based on the number of employees who will be taking the accent reduction classes, AccentRedux Pro will offer group discounts and other incentives to your company and your employees. When available, we recommend fully subsidizing the cost of the course for those employees who will benefit the most. Alternatively, you may consider partially reimbursing employees who choose to participate in the training. Finally, you may choose simply to promote the classes and provide ‘promotional’ materials to inform employees of the opportunity.

Remember, their success is your success!

Contact AccentRedux Pro for Corporate Rates

* Note that onsite training can be offered regardless of location with video conferencing software.