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About AccentRedux Pro

Client Feedback

AccentRedux Pro addressed all my challenges and provided opportunities to practice my work vocabulary to make sure I was comfortable with my new pronunciations. It helped to practice job specific communication issues and words during my sessions and I believe it made a definite difference in my progress! My supervisor really noticed a change in my speech and was pleased with the investment that the company made in my accent reduction classes.

Native Language: Vietnamese
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January 2018

What did you say? I couldn’t understand you.

What did you say? I can't understand you.

Have you heard those words before? Do you find that it’s sometimes difficult to make yourself understood? Does talking on the phone create an unpleasant feeling? As a professional, how you speak is extremely important.…
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January 2018

Accent a New Year, Accent a New You!


It’s a New Year, a new YOU! Consider Accent Reduction Training when setting your New Year goals. Even little changes in how you speak can make a BIG difference to your message and, ultimately, your…
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August 2017

Overcoming Communication Challenges at Work


Is your English is good, but you don’t feel confident contributing ideas? AccentRedux Pro can help you overcome communication challenges at work. Do you encounter issues such as: having to repeat yourself not being promoted…
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