Speaking Clearly

Read the AccentRedux Pro blog for news and updates on accent reduction and all things related to speaking clearly.

Accent a New Year, Accent a New You!


It’s a New Year, a new YOU! Consider Accent Reduction Training when setting your New Year goals. Even little changes in how you speak can make a BIG difference to your message and, ultimately, your…
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Overcoming Communication Challenges at Work


Is your English is good, but you don’t feel confident contributing ideas? AccentRedux Pro can help you overcome communication challenges at work. Do you encounter issues such as: having to repeat yourself not being promoted…
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Becoming a Powerful Communicator


“How you communicate represents who you are to others and informs what you think about yourself,” So says Cynthia Kane, author of How to Communicate Like a Buddhist. Ineffective and inefficient communication is frustrating for all.…
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Do Accents Affect Employability?


In a word, yes. An article in the Journal of Employment Counseling* discusses the impact that accents or dialects have on an individual’s employability. This study, conducted by Holly K. Carlson & Monica A. McHenry,…
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Accent Reduction Tips

What can I do so others can better understand what I say? Is your goal to reduce or modify your accent so others can better understand you? Here are a few tips that are helpful…
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Spelling Does Not Equal Pronunciation!

Spelling Does Not Equal Pronunciation

Learn How to Say English Words Clearly Learning English as a second language is difficult, but even more challenging is mastering the pronunciation of words in the English language. Often, words are not said as…
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